The Importance And Value Of A Health Coach

Ryan Carter
5 min readApr 9, 2021


Let’s face it… keeping up with our health can sometimes feel like a chore. With so much going on in our daily lives, it’s hard to devote any extra time to health and wellness.

Plus, the amount of health-related information online is extremely overwhelming…

…one source tells you to follow a certain diet or fitness plan, another will give you totally different advice.

You search so hard to find that one perfect plan that suits your lifestyle, but there’s just too much information to sort through.

Then reality hits, and you realize that ​one​ simple solution just doesn’t exist. So, you give up…

The good news? There ​is ​a solution — It’s called a health coach. And if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you need one. In fact, most people need one. They just don’t know it yet!

So what is a health coach, and are they ​really​ worth the investment? Well, that depends.

Luckily, we’ve gathered some information to help you make that decision. So let’s get to it!

What Is A Health Coach?

A health coach is essentially a mentor who educates and motivates an individual to make positive changes to their lifestyle.

Each person is unique and has specific needs.

So, a health coach develops a personalized and holistic approach in helping people reach their goals and live a happier, healthier life.

Many health professionals are just general practitioners…
They lack both the time and resources to really ​dig deep​ into a person’s problems.

Health coaches, however, are able to focus on several aspects of a person’s life which affect their overall health, like:

● relationships

● food choices

● fitness

● careers

So a health coach really isn’t just your typical ​“make sure to eat your fruits and veggies” ​type of person.

Instead, they look at every aspect of your lifestyle and help find ​real​ solutions to improve it.

Why A Health Coach Is Important

Don’t be mistaken, doctors and the like are very important for treating illnesses and maintaining health.

But health coaches can focus more on ​preventing ​those health issues, not just ​fixing t​ hem once they happen.

In other words, they can help keep you from visiting your doctor in the first place.

According to the ​CDC​, 60% of adults in the US have a chronic disease, while 40% have two or more.

Think those are scary numbers? Around 70% of ALL DEATHS in the US are from chronic diseases.

And, the main ​risk factors​ for developing these diseases include tobacco use, excessive alcohol use, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition.

Notice how each of these risk factors are​choices​ that can be avoided — in which case the chances of having a chronic disease would be much lower.

This is EXACTLY why health coaches are so important.
They help you break bad habits and encourage you to create healthier ones.

They don’t want YOU to be part of those statistics.

The bottom line: it’s not easy to just change your lifestyle out of the blue.

Many people are aware of their bad habits, but just can’t seem to break them.

Maybe they lack the time or motivation. Or maybe they are stressed and those habits are a way to help them cope.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that people need help changing these habits. They need someone who can educate and motivate them to change themselves for the long-term.

If you haven’t figured it out yet… that someone is a health coach!

The Value Of A Health Coach

Is a health coach worth it? Well, that depends.

If you value your health ​and y​ our time, then yes, a health coach is totally worth it. But if you care more about saving money and less about your health, it may not be. Another thing to consider is how much self-discipline you have.

If you have no problem staying on track and motivating yourself, you probably don’t need a health coach (unless you want to make their job ​very e​ asy).

In terms of money, there really is no price tag you can put on health.

It is probably the single most valuable thing in our lives.

We need to stay healthy in order to live and move freely as we age… …to be there for our kids and grandkids.

And we owe it to ourselves to live our best lives for as long as possible. But to stay healthy takes time, motivation, and persistence.

And if those are things you don’t have, a health coach is priceless, too.

What also gives health coaches value is the money they can help people save over time.

Developing a ​chronic disease​ could mean frequent visits to the doctor and endless medical bills… the things we already dread.

But having a coach that promotes a healthy lifestyle can help avoid those unearthly bills that come with doctor’s visits, procedures, medications, and other treatments.

For example, the CDC states that chronic diseases are “the leading drivers of the nation’s $3.5 trillion in annual health care costs”.

That’s just chronic diseases ​alone​.
Think of how much that number could be reduced if we all lived healthier lives!

The bottom line is, health coaches can definitely save you money over time. What’s more, they could even save the entire US economy by cutting medical spending.

I would say that makes a health coach pretty valuable… wouldn’t you?

So, what’s next?

Now you know the importance of a health coach and how much value they could bring to your life.

With a majority of the US suffering from chronic disease, maintaining your health is NO JOKE. You don’t want to be part of that statistic, and you don’t have to be.

Even if you struggle finding the time or motivation to improve your health — or you’re just not sure where to start — a health coach could do wonders for you.

Just remember: only you can decide how important your life is. So, please…
… make the right decision, before it’s too late!

© 2020 Ryan Carter

